Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 19

Planning ahead is so important since PCP started.

In order to attend Yoga class at 11:00 am, have to have breakfast 2 hours before the class.
I woke up at 7:00 which was later than I planned, I took my dog for a walk, we didn't see any dog friends, I think we were late.
I started my workout at 8:00, with 200 jumps x 4 + 100 without tripping ! All the exercises with resistant band went OK but I couldn't get up after the last rep of sit-ups.
My dog looked like she wants to ask me "Why are you doing this everyday?"

I took shower, sweating, sweating, had my breakfast sweating and did the laundry. I feel like I have a 15 year old son who plays foot ball or something.

Luckily Yoga class is only 2 min. away from where I live.
It's held at a small community house next to Shinto Shrine and Buddhism Temple. Isn't it interesting that Japanese have 2 religions in our life and people don't question about the fact.
We go to Shrines for Wedding, new-born baby, 7-5-3 year old blessing, etc. But funeral has to be at the Buddhism Temple. I myself is baptized when I was 15 , I am a Christian ( don't go to the Church though)
Old house with tatami mats. I like the atmosphere. It is called Yoga by the sea
I enjoyed the lesson very much I like the way teacher, Stacy talks to us.
I was sweating as much as I sweat during my workout.
No one else was sweating like I was. What's wrong with me?

Is this menopausal disorder?

Lunch: Whole wheat bread, steamed vegetables, grilled salmon, yogurt, some fruits
I am quite happy with what I eat now. Everything is tasty. I don't have any craving so far.
Except for the Beer the other day. But I am happy with SOLE (Italian sparkling water) now.


  1. Naoko! I sweat like a man! Seriously, I have to be careful about what shirts I wear if I'm going to be speaking in front of people. I'll get CRAZY sweat stains. There is nothing wrong with you. Think of the sweat as cleansing your body. :)

  2. I have the same problem! Especially during yoga, when I drip sweat all over and no one else in the class ever does. My dad (a doctor) says it means we're healthy.

  3. well done on the jump rope! it feels great to get through without tripping! mmm beer. oh ok i didnt know there were two religions, i think Japanese culture is amazing, I went there once this year, great place and people!

  4. Your morning sounds delightful, drops of sweat and all!
