Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 24

Walked my dog first thing in the morning.
Did my workout. I tried hard. I was inspired by Jenny and I tried hard.
I put the timer between my hands when I did the Plank. I was trembling at 25 sec. of the 3rd set and I crushed as soon as I saw 30! I am sure it will be longer, right?

I am enjoying every meal so much.
Forgot to have afternoon tea!!

I cleaned my deck so that I can have my breakfast there.

That's it for today.


  1. Just focus on the set you're doing, and don't dwell on how long it's lasting. It's a mind game pushing past looking at the clock and focusing on your muscles.

  2. You guys are kind of making my heart explode a little bit right now. I LOVE YOU ALL! :)

    Yes, and maybe focus on the breathing. Regular, controlled breaths. I find that helps me....but, I was definitely trembling into my 3rd set. 15 seconds is so short! And, 30 seconds soooooo long!

  3. Mikhael, focus on my muscles! Tell my muscles to get stronger!!

    Jenny, absolutely 15 seconds so short, 30 seconds feels like forever!
