Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 6 and I am hungry

Soreness is getting better.
I am just so hungry.

I was going to "Rainbow Cafe" for lunch because they serve very healthy lunch with brown rice. I couldn't park near by so that I parked at Union Supermarket. On my way to Rainbow Cafe, I saw an interesting cafe. Old "Kura" which is a storage house was renovated into a nice Cafe. They sell Bagels during the day and it becomes a Bar in the night. I ordered a Bagel with cream cheese and salmon. And I just found out that the owner is the guy I know.
Japanese Bagels are much smaller than NY ones. So I ate whole bagel sandwich for lunch.

I did some grocery shopping and I went home. I felt strange so I took nap before I go to my fellow teachers farewell party.
When I got up I had a headache and I decided not to go to the party.
I don't know if it is really a headache or I want to avoid socialization.

But I did my workout !
And my headache is gone.
I guess I wasn't in a mood of socializing.


Breakfast: Bread with vegemite, Steamed vegetables, Steamed chicken, cofee
Lunch: Bagel sandwich with cream cheese and salmon
Snack: half a banana, half a kiwi, non fat yogurt, crunchnora
Dinner:half a pack of Curry (beef and mushroom), half a pack of rice, steamed vegetable, tofu, natto,


  1. I hear you on the hunger, Naoko! It's very challenging.

    My soreness is getting better too. So that's encouraging!

    Patrick's suggestion of drinking something when you start to feel a craving -- coffee or tea or something -- that's really helped me this week.

    Hang in there! We're pulling for you!

  2. Tara, Thank you. I drink coffee, sparkling water, and mostly just water.
    Yes, it is not easy but I think my body is trying to adjust to the different life style. Gambatte (Hang in there in Japanese)!

  3. Hey Naoko, are you in Tokyo? Recent PCP Alum/Legend Ren claims he has found the best bagels in Tokyo, assuming I am worthy he will pass the torch to me, and then I to you.....GANBARUZO!!!!

  4. Hi Jason, I live in Hayama and I work at Yokohama.
    The best bagels in Tokyo is dangerous to me.
    Yeah GANBARUYO!!!

  5. seems like everyone had a large social event today. I think bodies usually reacte to new things, with bad symptoms. Take the headache like that, it'll'll feel good in no time

    Keep up the good work Naoko!

  6. Thank you, Royce! Same to you!
