Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 4

I saw SATC 2 in Yokohama.
Well......I liked SATC 1 better than 2. Actually series 6 are the ones I like the most. I wanted to see NY more, no offense to Abu Dhabi. All 4 are gorgeous even though they are getting older. Samantha and I are the same generation. I kind of sympathize what she's going through, but I do not do BOTOX nor take hormone pills. She is the only single woman now and I'd like her to live a good life because I myself don't see the happiness necessarily in marriages. Because I married twice and failed twice. I liked the word she said to Smith in series 6 that "I love you. But I love me more." Sounds very selfish but honest and I am very much agree with her.

I went home right after the movie and did my workout, took shower then read everyone's blogs, went to bed at midnight. It was a long day.

Breakfast: whole wheat bread with vegemite, steamed vegetables, coffee
Snacks: half a banana, yogurt, crunchnora
Lunch:Brown rice, tofu burger, green salad, carrot, seaweed, (I manage to leave one third of brown rice)
Dinner:Ahi Poke (Hawaiian) salad, chili cone carne, tortilla chips, Perrier
Big Confession to make... at the theatre there was a Haagen Dazs shop and I could not resist the temptation of Green Tea Ice Cream. I ate them all myself.

After I took shower before I go to bed, I ate small pack of tofu.
My willpower is weak. I really have to discipline myself.


  1. You're going to be turning guys away in a few weeks here! Get your inner Samantha ready!

  2. That ice cream sounds reaaal nice!
    Ha ha Damn sex and the City! I hate myself for wanting to see it again ...

    oh yes, though, what Patrick said. Embrace the samantha. I think i'll need a week or two do that myself! no botox though!

  3. Ice cream! Me too! Me too! I gave in today.

  4. I recently saw the actress who plays Miranda on SATC on the street. She looked really great!
    Also, I too had ice cream yesterday. it's hard to resist now that warm weather has arrived in NYC!

  5. I say focus on your successes rather than your failures. Easier said than done, I know. Besides, it's still half-diet week...what's wrong with a little ice cream? :) I had a 1/4 slice of blueberry pie and 1/4 slice of mock apple pie last night. Yum!

  6. Deborah, Elena, you too had ice cream made me feel better. By the way I am going to NY in July. I guess I will bring my own jump rope.
    Jenny, blueberry pie and mock apple pie sound yummy!
