Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 5

I got up at 9 this morning. Really late for me. I guess I was tired.

I went to my favorite bakery for lunch. They make vegetarian lunch. Today's special was South Indian dish. This place is very interesting. They bake bread and serve vegetarian food on Fri. Sat. & Sunday but they serve Thai food on Mon. & Tuesday. Very relaxed, laid back place. I can bring my dog with me. So I buy bread and have lunch at "Khanompan" (it means bread in Thai) every Saturday.

My push up bar has arrived!
My jump rope is the one I borrowed(?) from Dance studio of my school. It is old but it's fine so far.

I did my workout.
70x5 =350 jumps
12x4=48 squats
8x4-32 push-ups
17x3=51 sit-ups

Squat is better than lunge.

I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding while eating dinner.
I guess I like John Corbett after I saw SATC. He is cute. I can relate to Aidan better than Big.
John Corbett is 49 yeas old and getting married to Bo Derek, she is 53 years old. I am 52 and I want to meet someone like John Corbett, am I asking too much ? Well In my dream anything is possible.
But the thing is... not weather I have a handsome boyfriend (husband) or not, I want to feel good about myself and I want my friends to feel good about themselves.
So I will do my PCP!!!

Breakfast: Bread from Khanompan with vegemite, steamed chicken, vegetable,
Snack: yogurt with pinapple, kiwi, banana, crunchnola
Lunch: Bread, lots of vegetables, a piece of pie (row food, cream is made of avocado, sweetened with honey), Iced coffee
Dinner: Steamed chicken, Steamed vegetables ( zucchini, carrot, potato, pumpkin), Natto, Tofu

1 comment:

  1. Yes sign me up for John Corbett. What a charmer.

    You pick interesting food. Good job!
