Saturday, August 14, 2010


Today's workout menu looked exactly like Day 72 but ......

90 second plank ......  what ?   5 sets ?!!!
When you look carefully, more reps, sometimes it says "failure" or more sets.
15 more days means that it gets harder, I suppose.
But the plank will stay 90 seconds, right?

Food-wise, I'm eating a lot. I feel like I am eating all the time.
And I don't have any cravings.
How much food can be 1000 kcal ?
I wanted to have dinner at Italian restaurant near my house for my birthday but it is closed... : (
I am very sure that I am going to have a piece of cherry tart.

I visited my friends' house on my way home from the walk.
Pikkorik always stays with this family when I'm away and she loves them.
I brought some beer.
They gave me a birthday present since they will be away next week.

I had BEER.....
just one beer. I didn't eat the crackers they offered.

then I went home and ate my dinner at home.


  1. Oh don't know, Naoko...I have a feeling the planks are going to get loooooonger. :-/

    When is your birthday date? The 17th?

  2. the 5th plank really killed me today!
    Naoko, I just looked at your pictures - you're looking amazing!!!

  3. Patrick said, "Planks will never get longer!"

    then I am sure will be more sets.... up to how many ? 8 ? 9?


    Jenny, yes the 17th I'll be 53 !!!!!
