Friday, August 27, 2010


I checked the fitness studio near my house. This place is only for women. I think the target customer is house wives.
The lady at the studio explained that what they are doing is called circuit training. There were about 10 machines and between machines are maybe 90cm x 90cm board for cardiovascular exercises. Machines are not the kind of heavy duty ones at the gym. They are oil pressure machine so that they are safe.
40 seconds at each board and machine and one round is about 12 minutes. Stretching and 2 round will be about 30 minutes and that's enough for women to lose weight and gain muscles.
That was the explanation I got.
Well 40 seconds....... doing 9 minutes jumping and plank to failure, I don't think this place is good enough for me. To become a member you pay Y10,000 and Y62,00 per month. I think it is not worth the money.

I came home I did my workout.
I like the super sets. I did 3 sets of pull down and standing ovation without rest. Those are kind of easy exercises for me.
I challenged (partial)1 leg plank !

I saw The Bourne Supremacy on DVD, I didn't get to see to the end in the airplane coming back from NY so I wanted to finish it. I love the scene of car chasing.

Yoga tomorrow morning then Stand up paddle with friend.
Weekend !!!!!


  1. Ha i love it! Yeah woo, show them how it's done. 40 seconds pfffff, that's nothing. Great attitude!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Stand up paddle? What's that?

    Are you feeling better? Sounds like you're kicking butt at the workouts, so I assume so. :)

  3. EXACTLY, one month at that place is more than the entire PCP, and they keep you dependent on them to squeeze every last drop out of you.

    You should come surfing with us next weekend! Trying to get a stand up board or two rented.

  4. ooh i havnt tried stand up paddling, sounds fun, and hard!

  5. That place sounds like the place I started going a year ago. For me at the time it was good. It's not very expensive here. I've gone a off and on during PCP, mostly because I know many of the women and it is an encouraging non judgmental place to be. I find the circuit very easy now, but it does give me a cardio vascular workout that I need. Also, sometimes I have felt discouraged and going to that little women's gym is kind of gently motivating. Not sure what I'll do now. In the winter Vermont is a place that one can tend to stay inside and not move. This little gym is at least a warm place to work out and it's only a block from my house. I'll have to see. Jumping in my apartment is not possible (second floor above very fragile and easily annoyed first floor neighbor). I jump outside. But the winter could be tough. I"m sure I could jump at this women's gym.

    Some gyms are not so great, I'm sure. But I kind of am loyal to this one. For people like me who were (WERE@!!!!) so completely out of shape, it was a way to get started. I was 50 pounds overweight, high blood pressure, all that. I needed something that I could actually DO. At that point if I had started PCP I would have lasted a week. But the women's gym was just right. It prepared me for PCP and now I'm not sure what to do.

  6. @Louise
    Right? 40 seconds, what's that ??

    @ Jenny
    SUP is fun, you should try. You'll like it. It is so popular in Hawaii.
    And I feel much better!
    Thank you : )

    @ Patrick
    Ah, I really want to go surfing but I promised my friend that I will attend the high school reunion on Saturday.... : (

    You will like it. It is not hard. Anyone doing PCP workout have right muscle to paddle.

    @ Deb
    Yes we ( WERE ) out of shape but not anymore !!!!! Isn't it great??

  7. so jealous! I want to go surfing with Patrick and Naoko!! You two live in the coolest town, by the way. it sounds like there is so much active, outdoor, fun stuff to do!
