Monday, August 16, 2010

Day77 Back To Work !

All these food were on the table at staff meeting this morning.
Of course I didn't have any of them. But I used to eat them without any hesitation. They are so tiny, easy to eat without feeling guilty.
No wonder I gained weight. Free food right there at work !

I packed my morning snack and lunch this morning.
I had boiled egg white and fruits at 10:00 a.m. and I was hungry at 11:00 a.m. already.
Ah school makes me hungry !!!
I couldn't wait any longer so I had lunch at 11:30 a.m.
It was so nice to be able to eat lunch with someone. I ate most of my meals alone this summer.

Some of alumni came to visit and chat with us. That's nice. They are still sweet and cute.
Several students who just graduated this June are at school working. One student is taking a gap year and some of them are going to University in New Zealand or Australia so the school year won't start until January.

I enjoyed summer vacation but when I see my students, I am reminded how much I enjoy being with them. I really love my students. I am so lucky to have wonderful kids.

Jumping for 7 minutes went OK. Not easy though.
I am going to have a birthday workout @ Yokohama studio tomorrow!!!!


  1. School is starting tomorrow here as well! Funny how the whole energy of a place changes once everybody is back to work.

    When I used to work in an office, one of the hardest things was dealing with all of the free food. (And Elena has free BEER at the office!) It sounds like you're well equipped to ignore that stuff now.

  2. OMG! What a spread! Damn, the Bio. department here at UF doesn't treat us nearly that well. :) I'm impressed with your resistance.

  3. the food looks yummy. way to be strong and resist those tempting small bites!

