Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 35

I jumped and I did Day 33 workout.

Chest dip is hard. I don't know if I am doing it right.
Leg up is OK but V-sit is not the shape of V, I am having hard time lifting my legs and upper body at the same time.

I steamed potato, carrot and broccoli.
I bought whole wheat bread at my favorite bakery.

I had my dinner and I am full and sleepy.


  1. Yeah, v-sits are not pretty. Maybe by the end we'll be pros?

  2. Naoko,

    Sorry not to be responding to your blog for several days. I was away from a computer. It sounds like you had some real challenges but you met them.

    You seem to be a very active person and very dedicated to working hard on this program. Bravo! I am sending you happy strong energy from the other side of the world.

    Go go go go! Naoko!
