Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 47

This is my beach in the evening. When the sun goes down it gets cool at the beach. I sit down and enjoy the view.
This morning I went to a Yoga class at the beach. Every summer I enjoy Yoga class and breakfast at the beach house "UMIGOYA"
Breakfast today was sunny side up, sausage, salad, bread and coffee. I gave my sausages away.
Unfortunately the bread was white one... I always have whole wheat bread... but it is a little too much to expect whole wheat bread.

I get very tired at around 2:00 pm I was so tired that I had to take a nap. 

It was 5:00 pm when I woke up.
I was still tired. 
I don't know why but I was still tired.
I did not feel like doing my jumps and workout right away.
So I went to walk my dog.
I did my jumps and workout.

I fell asleep as I write this post. I have to go to bed.


  1. What a gorgeous view! I have always wanted to come to Japan but this *really* convinces me. :)

    I'm exhausted too. Let's hope this passes soon!

  2. Genki, exhausted, doesn't matter just keep weighing grams, jumping rope, and pushing through sets. GRIM ENTHUSIASM.

  3. We are all tired.
    We are marching...marching...marching...through the valley...

    At least your valley has a beautiful view!

  4. Wow! Amazing view.

    I was also very tired over the last couple days. Today was the first day I really started to feel some good energy again.
