Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 57

Tuesday... workout in Yokohama with Patrick.
I was nervous again because of my lower back pain.

But you know what?

I did everything in 1 hour.
I did the 4 min. x 4 jumps OK some trips but I continued jumping.

Did the Day 58 menu instead of Day 57.
Did the 3 kinds of CURL.
As I was doing the curl, I was sweating so much that yoga mat got wet ( Patrick never sweats! )
I like biceps and standing ovation.
I love to have muscles in my arms, shoulders and back.
Would be nice to look good in bare shoulder dress.

Last week,  I was so sure that  my heart rate is going over 180 or maybe 200 when jumping for 3 min.  straight. So I decided to wear a chest band and a watch which I bought to monitor heart rate when training for a trail running race 3 years ago.

It was 160 at the max !!

It is said that max heart rate should be 220 - your age,
for me it's around 170.  But when I was running, it went over 180 and that's not good for fat burning.
If you want to burn fat I should go max. around 160.


Anyway what I really wanted to say is  jumping is very good for fat burning !!!


  1. good stuff with your workouts! must be great motivation to be able ta do them with Patrick!

  2. Happy to hear you had a good workout today! :) You've made me look forward to Day 58...Day 57 kicked my rear.

    It figures that Patrick doesn't sweat. That makes me even angrier! (j/k, j/k, j/k). Seriously though, I sweat like a man. It just beads all over my body and hangs there. Perhaps the humidity intensifies the effect....

    You've got some nice tummy definition popping out in the Week 9 pics! Awesome!! :)

  3. I have never sweated so much during workouts as i do during these! (And sweat after, too, when I'm stretching.)

    That's interesting to have your heartrate information!

  4. Jenny, Thank you for noticing my tummy ! I am so happy !
    Slow but steady progress I'm making, I believe.

  5. I sweat huge amounts also, it's crazy! I need an extra room in my apt just for workouts because of all this sweat on my pretty wood floors!
    Ah well, it does kind of look awesome to be all covered in sweat though. I think of it as the badass look.

    p.s. Naoko - looking GREAT!

  6. Burn baby burn! 160!

    You are looking really good. Top notch!
