Sunday, July 4, 2010


So the little devil in my head whispered "It's ok to skip the workout today.  You're tired, you deserve the break... no one will know..."

Patrick, are you psychic? 

You knew that I skipped my workout yesterday.
That's what I thought when I checked the email.

I wanted to sleep in this morning.
I was sooo tired.
But I got up and I went swimming.
And I did my workout. 
Yes, I did!

Now I am home.
I will do Day 33 tomorrow after 1400 jump rope to make up yesterday.

It is so much easier to do the workout and prepare food at home.

I need a good SLEEP!


  1. Just ignore that devil, Naoko! Or, give it a good punch in the face!

    Go, Naoko, go! :)

  2. Yes, it's tough to be away from home and all the little ways you've set up to support yourself. But even if you have everything you need, just the disruption of being away from home can be enough to make you think differently. :)

    Hang in there! One missed workout won't derail everything -- the danger, to me, is that one missed workout can lead to more missed workouts. But you're not going to let that happen!!

  3. Don't miss workouts! They only make the next day harder!

  4. oh man there have been a few times where i just want to skip work outs, but nooo dont listen to the little devil!
