Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 46 Back in Japan

Now I am back in Japan.
I did my workout after I walked my dog.
I sweat and sweat and sweat....
I was already feeling muscle failure at 2nd set of Push up and I couldn't lift my legs up when doing bicycle at the 2nd set. It seems the 1st set is OK but 2nd set gets extremely difficult and the by the time doing the 4th set, I am squeezing all my strength in my body.
I took shower and stepped on my scale, wow I have lost 5 kg since the beginning of PCP  and 2 kg since last time I weigh myself ( before visiting NYC ). Is it because I walked a lot and sweat a lot while I was in NYC ?

My last day in NYC, Wednesday was hectic.
Elisa came to the kitchen to get her lunch from the fridge at 6:30 am,  sleeping in the living room, I heard her but I couldn't get up before she leaves for work.
Around 7:20 am I got out of my bed and I did my workout. Wooo it was hard.
I took quick shower and had my breakfast. I am going to miss variety of  fruits and vegetables they sell at  supermarkets in NYC !!  I really enjoyed grocery shopping !!

It started raining.
I had a suitcase, lots of souvenirs in Bloomingdale's big brown bag, trying to get a taxi on Broadway.
All the taxis were speeding to down town and there were other people waiting taxis to stop.
I started to worry if I could make it to the air port on time and I called Elisa. She told me that it maybe easier on the uptown side of the Broadway. The rain was getting harder, after 20-25 min. I finally got a taxi and I made it to the JFK on time. I had enough time to buy a coffee and eat my chicken salad from Elisa's fridge.

The flight was looooooong.
I could not sleep so much, maybe 2 hours in total.
I wished there were place to do jumping and workout in the plane. I really wanted to do my workout before I get home.
As I wrote before, I requested ANA  Low Fat meals and they served very good PCP friendly food.

I saw 3 and half movies.
"Mamma mia" for the second time, I love Merryl Streep.
"Hurt Locker" was very good. I did't think I would enjoy the war movie when I'm tired but I got into it.  And I enjoyed "Bourne Identity" and half of "Bourne Supremacy".

I got home at 7:00 pm on Thursday and I went to my friend's house to pick up my dog.
I was very tired and hungry but I did not have anything in my fridg so I had to go shopping.
I ate then I was going to do my workout but I took shower and went to bed.
So I missed my Day 45 workout   : (


  1. I've had that awful taxi experience too! Is it ever that way in Tokyo? It's terrible to be worried about getting to the airport on time.

    Glad you had a good trip and are back home and can get back to your routine!

  2. lucky you found a taxi, it must be hectic there! 5kgs, thats great Naoko! it really shows too you look fab!

  3. I think we're all hitting the wall a little bit but you have the best excuse - flying all the way back to Japan!
