Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 60

I tried very hard to finish jumps and workout in 1 hour !!!!
1st set of jumping is always hard but after that is easier each set.
I set timer between different workout for 30 sec. And I managed to finish in 1 hour.
So I feel very good about it.

I went to Starbucks in Kamakura.
This is my favorite. High ceiling, large glass doors, nice furniture, nice garden with swimming pool. I had an ice coffee and read my book.
Then I went to Patagonia Kamakura store. I didn't find anything good. So I went to supermarket and I bought milk, eggs, salmon, chicken, fruits and veggies.
It used to be time consuming but now it's so simple because I know what I need and how I cook them.
I like it very much. I'll probably stick with PCP lunch even after PCP.

I watched "Meet Joe Black" on cable TV. I wasn't going to watch it till the end but I did.
Brad Pitt is so young and cute in this movie. I like him a lot. I enjoyed it.
Ah it's late, very late!!!
Got to go to bed. I have a yoga class tomorrow morning !


  1. Brad Pitt is also yummy in A River Runs Through It.

    I agree on the PCP dinner & breakfast will definitely stay PCP most days. So easy to steam some veggies and heat up whatever meat I've pre-prepared in the fridge. :)

  2. mmm, yes, the pcp diet is rather delicious actually. always craving salads now

  3. Wow, that is a very cool Starbucks! Okay, reason #348 to visit Japan someday... :)

    Yes, you're right about the grocery shopping. I probably visit the grocery more often than I used to, but my visits are quick because I know exactly what I need! And much less food goes to waste.

  4. Ah, the simplicity of grocery shopping on the PCP - there are whole areas of the store that I don't even need to walk through anymore!

    Nice job on your one-hour workout, Naoko!
