Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 56

This morning I tried to jump for 4 minutes but I tripped many many times.
It was very frustrating.

Lower back pain is still bothering me.
Bending over is tricky.
I have to be careful.

I read Elena's post then I read Kung-Fu Body's blogs and I started reading Patrick's PCP blog.
I found that Patrick's birthday was last Friday.
Happy Birthday (delayed), Patrick !
I have not read all of the post but they are very interesting and a lot to learn from. Thank God I am in summer holiday. I have plenty of time to read !

I was already hungry at 5:00 pm so  I had my dinner.
After I walked my dog I was tempted to have a glass of iced cafe latte at the beach but I went home for evening snack.

I was still hungry after I had my evening snack.
I ate extra veggies and blueberries.
I have never been hungry after evening snack, and today was only jumping day, I don't know why....


  1. haha that;s so good that you can wake up early to do your jump rope.

    I never can do it right in the morning, I always have to wait 3 4 hours after breakfast or lunch.

    suuuch discipline.


  2. Naoko, I was JUST telling one of my coworkers that on the days where we only jump i find i'm more hungry than other days. Maybe because our bodies are used to the longer workouts, so without them things are turned upside down a bit? Not very scientific, but the point is I'm the same - hungrier on jump-only days.
