Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 49

Early in the morning when it is still cool,  I took my dog for a walk.
By the time I got to the beach dog friends were there and everyone was talking about the Italian restaurant that opened in June. It is very close to my house and I've been there twice already. Everyone who has been there agreed that it is a very nice restaurant. It is an old house renovated into a restaurant and it has a small garden. Very nice atmosphere.
Maybe on my birthday in mid August or after PCP.

Where I live is 90 minutes away from Tokyo but it is famous for Royal family's vacation house and many other wealthy people's second houses. So people here are quite wealthy and picky about food/fashion etc. and if the restaurant is not good the rumor spread very quickly.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a wealthy one who owns house here. I am just a teacher and renting an old house but it is only 2 minutes away from the beach and I love it.

I spend about 1 hour walking my dog mainly socializing with dog friends. I like meeting other dogs and the owners.

It was 7:00 am when I get back and I did laundry then started 3 min. x 5 jumps.
3 minutes was very challenging to me. I get out of breath very easily and my calf became tired.
After jumps I did the Day 45 workout. The day I came back from NYC.

I hate the combination of floor jump and lunge. They worn me out.
I can manage curl/one arm curl, katana, plank and side crunch. I sort of enjoy plank. I really hate lunge.
I will do more rep/set of squats if I am allowed to do that. I hate lunge!!!!!
It took me more than 1 hour to finish everything.
I stepped on my scale and I was very disappointed that I gained 400g since last time. What !?
Why do I gain 400g ? Is it the white bread/fried egg I had on Sat. and Sun. morning ?
I was sad.

I finally got to eat my breakfast at 9:30.
Steamed vegetable, mini tomatoes, bell pepper, avocado with cottage cheese, whole wheat bread, boiled egg + egg white & coffee. I am happy : )

It is 11:23 am and already very hot. It's the last day of 3 day weekend in Japan so I expect the beach is very busy. It should be nice in the evening after tourists are gone.
My favorite female singer will be singing at the beach house tonight so I am planning to go.
Pictures tonight. Another beautiful sky and the live music at the beach house. I had a bottle of sparkling water. And I had my evening snack veggie and yogurt after I came home.


  1. 400g isnt much, mayby its just water or muscle or something, but you are looking great anyway! i hate lunges too!

  2. Floor jumps & lunges suck! Yeah, I'm certain that it's muscle, Naoko. Don't despair!

  3. Naoko, I LOVE the pictures of the beach! What a wonderful place to live!

    I didn't lose any weight this week either -- I bet it's muscle. :) Sounds like you're doing great with getting back on track after your NYC trip.

  4. Tara, come to Japan !
    We can go to Patrick's studio together and I can show you around !
