Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 32 Jump rope, not allowed :(

I'm in Kobe.
Staying at hotel near my parents place so that I can visit them when I have time.

I bought vegetables, yogurt and fruits at the nearby shop and I did the cooking at my parents kitchen. Steamed vegetables and boiled eggs. I burned my thumb when steaming vegetable and had to ice it for more 2 hours :(
My parents had Soba noodles and I had banana, yogurt and egg white for dinner.
Strange family dinner!

After early dinner, I went to the gym in the hotel, and I discovered that jump rope is not allowed there.
The first time I skipped jump rope since Day 1!!

But don't worry.
I did the swimming for 30 min.
Then I did the workout but I could not get through the whole thing.
I was extremely tired.
I somehow managed to do 2 sets of lunge, all sets of davinci, push up and 40 seconds plank.

I'm having my evening snack vegetables in my room.
It's kind of late...  I have to go to bed soon.

I am doing my best.
I am going swim first thing in the morning and maybe I'll do 8 min. abs.

It's gonna be challenging tomorrow.


  1. Naoko that is so weird about the no jumproping! Good for you for swimming instead - hang in there!

  2. What a strange rule. Are there that many people jumping rope out there?

  3. your doing great Naoko, keep it up! yeah thats wierd they wont let you jump rope, mayby its too disruptive for others or something?!

  4. your poor thumb! i burn myself all the sucks. at least swimming is fun! i haven't tried 8 minute abs yet...need to get me some. :)
